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¿Quién puede vencer a Darth Vader?
Finalmente, otro que logró vencer a Darth Vader, fue su propio hijo, Luke Skywalker. El gemelo de Leia no solo venció a su padre, sino que también le dio la lección que tanto trató de enseñarle Obi-Wan, Yoda, Windu y hasta el mismo Qui-Gon, antes de su muerte: dominar la Fuerza sin sentimientos, te hace más poderoso.
¿Qué perdió Luke contra Darth Vader?
Luke Skywalker herido (Pérdida de su mano derecha). El duelo en Bespin fue una lucha entre Luke Skywalker y Darth Vader en la Guerra Civil Galáctica. Fue tras este duelo que Darth Vader, reveló a Luke Skywalker que él era Anakin Skywalker, su padre.
Can Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker kill each other?
Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader had a chance to kill each other in Star Wars But there’s a reason neither could actually do it. Upon finding out Anakin Skywalker; now Darth Vader is his father, Luke reasons with Yoda and Obi Wan.
How did Luke Skywalker overcome the Dark Side?
Luke’s good soul overcomes the Dark Side in Darth Vader, who then dies to save his son. Luke Skywalker’s true-to-form goodness was what ended up overpowering Darth Vader. By getting Vader to walk away from the Dark Side, Luke Skywalker finally overcame his father’s strength.
Who won the last man standing between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker?
When Luke Skywalker finally killed Darth Vader, everything changed. There was a clear winner in the battle, and there’s no debate about who won. Luke Skywalker was the last man standing, period. But at the same time, Darth Vader wasn’t technically fighting him anymore.
Is Luke Skywalker the big baddie in Star Wars?
For the most part, in the earlier scenes in the Star Wars franchise, it was made relatively clear that Darth Vader was the big baddie. Luke Skywalker may have been able to defeat a lot of Vader’s plans, but he was still notably younger and less experienced.