Tabla de contenido
¿Quién mata a Lord Vader?
En los minutos finales, luego de un largo y feroz duelo de sable de luz, Obi-Wan derrota a Vader (en su forma de Anakin Skywalker), cortando sus piernas y brazos y dejándolo en la orilla de un río de lava donde es horriblemente quemado.
¿Cómo muere Shmi Skywalker?
Shmi Skywalker Lars era la madre humana del Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker y la madrastra de Owen Lars. Justo antes de las Guerras Clon, Shmi murió en brazos de su hijo después de ser brutalmente torturada por una banda de Incursores Tusken.
¿Qué raza es Watto Star Wars?
Personalidad. Watto es un ser sagaz y egoísta dueño de una tienda de repuestos en Mos Espa, en el planeta de Tatooine. Se trata de un toydarian, una raza de seres alados de Toldaría, entre cuyas características se encuentran la de ser seres de voluntad firme, resistentes a los trucos mentales de los caballeros Jedi.
¿Quién mata a Anakin?
Durante la batalla, Anakin, que había sido conocido como el Lord Sith Darth Vader, fue redimido por Luke y trajo equilibrio a la Fuerza. Sin embargo, la redención le costó la vida a Anakin, que había sido mortalmente herido por el Emperador, Darth Sidious, mientras mataba a su antiguo maestro.
What does Watto mean in Star Wars?
―Watto. Watto was a male Toydarian junk dealer/human trafficker, who owned a shop in Mos Espa, Tatooine. He was the owner of Shmi Skywalker as well as her son, Anakin Skywalker, the young boy who would grow up to become both a revered Jedi Knight and a feared Sith Lord known as Darth Vader.
What kind of character is Darth Vader?
Darth Vader is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. The character is the primary antagonist in the original trilogy and, as Anakin Skywalker, is a primary protagonist in the prequel trilogy. Star Wars creator George Lucas has collectively referred to the first six episodic films of the franchise as «the tragedy of Darth Vader».
Who is Watto in the Mandalorian?
Watto was a male Toydarian junk dealer / human trafficker, who owned a shop in Mos Espa, Tatooine. He was the owner of Shmi Skywalker as well as her son, Anakin Skywalker, the young boy who would grow up to become both a revered Jedi Knight and a feared Sith Lord known as Darth Vader. Watto started his life as a soldier on Toydaria.
How did Watto find out he was a Jedi?
One day in 22 BBY, while Watto was sitting outside his shop, he was approached by a tall young man, who was accompanied by a young woman. The man picked up the broken head of a pit droid and began tinkering with it, and the Toydarian realized that the newcomer was a Jedi.